Friday, 18 March 2016

Scarecrows from 88 Films...

The good people at 88 Films from the UK unleashed this epic announcement...
'Friday Announcement Part #1
When it comes to terror they're in a field of their own!
For this Friday's announcement (#4) we're adding to our slasher range! lost track of which number we are at now but seeing as nightmares in a damaged brain is almost impossible to get hold of we will stick it in at number 12 for the time being! ( btw Nightmares is available from our website FULLY UNCUT still…/nightmare-in-a-damaged-brai…)
anyway... OUT JULY (*probably)
SCARECROWS (1988) Five criminals find themselves parachuting, with their "ill-gotten goods" into an abandoned cemetary. But this bone-yard is guarded by some nasty scarecrows, and they aren't made of straw.
Can't decide which cover to use and which one to use as the reverse?
*also available on DVD, VHS and 16mm'

That's a score for me as I never got round to importing the Scream Factory release. In case you are wondering the other half of todays announcement was Chuck Norris action epic Invasion U.S.A which is no doubt a can't miss release in it's own right but doesn't fit the criteria of slasher clssic in the slightest.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Rocktober Blood & Rocktober Blood 2 Indiegogo...

Very exiting news. The fine people that brought you the classic Rocktober Blood have announced plans to launch an Indiegogo Campaign to crowd fund a sequel entitled Rocktober Blood 2 Billy's Revenge. One of the available perks includes a a Blu-ray of the original classic slasher. The Indiegogo campaign has not gone live yet but the Blu-ray is available to order in the mean time at

Could be very interesting times if this is successful. Hopefully people get behind the RB2 project because the more slashers the merrier. I will post the Indiegogo info once it goes live.