Wednesday 15 May 2013

Crystal Lake Memories release date...

I'm sure your all well aware of the highly anticipated Friday the 13th retrospective documentary Crystal Lake Memories. I know I am, but yesterday some epic news was posted on the excellent site

Firstly and probably most importantly to this blog Crystal Lake Memories will indeed be on Blu-ray. In fact it will exclusively be on BD due to its mammoth run time making it impractical for DVD. Yep that's right MAMMOTH. How mammoth? 7 awesome hours mammoth! That's one heck of a documentary. The film is set for release on August 27th and will be available to pre order from July 8th at the Docs new website 

I for one can not wait for this. The Friday the 13th  franchise is easily my favourite series of films let alone slasher movies. It comes from the same team that made Never Sleep Again. The excellent Nightmare on Elm Street series documentary, which in case you were wondering is only available in Germany on Blu-ray but its a upscale. So chances are this will be a cracking watch.

As usual you can check out my slasher movie Blu-ray collection here...

Slasher Movie BD Collection A-Z

and check out all the slasher titles I've found that are available on BD that are not currently in my collection...

Slasher Movies Available on BD not in my collection ...YET!

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