Wednesday 24 July 2013

Curtains and Prom Night coming from Synapse...

Fantastic news broke last week. US Distributor Synapse had been teasing for a few weeks that they were planning two classic Slashers for release in 2014. Well last week they finally let the cat out of the bag much to the delight of every slasher fan ever. Yep this is purely speculation on my part but we could potential see the Blu-ray debuts of Curtains and Prom Night. Synapse posted the following in reference to Prom Night on there Facebook page

Synapse-Films Facebook

'And so, today, I have another surprise (although many of you kind of figured this was coming based on yesterday's reveal of CURTAINS). The negative is reportedly in poor condition, but we're diving in today after our lab has perfomed many hours of fixing splices and repairs... A TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE-like restoration may be in order to make this work, but Synapse is up to the task.'

My hats off to them quite frankly. To go to this much effort to service such loved treasures for the fans and preservation of the films is extremely admirable.

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