Monday 30 September 2013

Never Sleep Again - US release coming...

I took delivery of the beautiful Crystal Lake Memories signed Blu-Ray the other day. Other than because I'm a big old Friday the 13th fan. The other reason I ordered CLM without blinking is because of the hefty reputation that the A Nightmare on Elm Street documentary Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy has. You guessed it, NSA and CLM are from the same team of documentary film makers.

Up until now NSA has only been available on Blu-Ray in Germany. The thing is by all accounts the German BD is a standard definition up convert. A disc chock full of hours of extras but an up convert none the less. That disc has served many fans very well in mean time however Image in the US have announced they are releasing the documentary on brand spanking new Blu-Ray. Could this be the definitive High Definition release? I certainly hope (and expect) so.

I've yet to watch Crystal Lake Memories incidentally. I figure I should polish off the rest of the Friday the 13th Box Set first. Only got the F13 remake and the special features from Part 4 onwards to get through and then I'm doing CLM in one all night sitting! (I'm being optimistic)

Check out this bad ass signed cover from the great people at Dark Delicacies. They put on a signing with a ton of the cast and crew from the Friday the 13th franchise and crew from the documentary its self. Pretty cool!

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