Monday 16 July 2012

Slasher Movie number 99!

I've been on a bit of a hiatus from Slasher movies for the last month or so. But I've found my slasher mojo again and ordered a number of German and Austrian Blu-rays.Thanks to the outstanding service of I've now received my 98th and 99th Slasher Blu-ray in under a week to the UK. I'm not sure why it matters but its fun to think I'm 1 away from the great 100 milestone. So tonight I will be cracking on with the Swedish made oddity, Insane (2010). I say oddity as it has a all Swedish cast but is in English. It looks like it could be right up my low budget street from the trailer, lol. After that then hopefully I'll fit in End of the Line (2007) which has come highly recommended to me.

There's some super cool stuff coming out the rest of the year so it's a great time to be a old school Slasher fan. Scream Factory in the US seem to be blazing a Slasher trail with re-release of Halloween 2 and the highly anticipated Terror Train and Deadly Blessing. Hopefully that's just the beginning for the them. Then there is Halloween 4 & 5 next month in the states from Starz/Anchor Bay. I haven't seen either in 10 to 15 years so they will be a real treat. The UK is getting the pleasure of the first 3 Puppet Master films remastered which again I haven't seen in years. Basically from a slow start this year is shaping up very nicely in the slasher department.

Check out the list of titles NOT in my collection for a complete run down of upcoming titles and their release dates. I try my best to keep it updated so that its a on going resource.

Slasher Movies available on BD NOT in my Collection

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