Monday 13 August 2012

The Big 100...well 101

Well this is it. I've just taken delivery of my one hundredth Slasher Movie on Blu-ray. Well wouldn't you know it, two show up at once. So its actually the big 101. The Uncut editions of Laid to Rest and Sweatshop have just been delivered from Austria. I'm not sure why it matters, it's not like I get to one hundred and I've completed a puzzle or something. But hey it feels like an achievement. It's taken more or less 2 years to grow my collection this big. Fortunately it's nowhere near the ultimate collection I set out to make yet. There are so many Slasher titles available that I've not got yet. Not to mention the cracking line up of upcoming BD's. It looks like I won't be done any time soon.

View my complete collection list of Slasher Movie BDs

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